Golden Valley Woods Property Committee
Our Mission
The purpose of the Property Committee is to administer and enforce the items in the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants relating to structures, road maintenance and signs, and shall include the collection of assessments from all lot owners to provide funds for the maintenance of all the private roads within Golden Valley Woods Phases I, Il, ,III, IV, V and VI. Such maintenance shall initially include the plowing of snow, and maintenance regarding of the roads when necessary.
Purpose Statement
“Proactively providing Safe, Smooth & Sustainable roads for the membership of the GVW
committee officers
The affairs of Golden Valley Woods shall be governed by a Property Committee composed of a minimum of three (3) and up to eight (8) members, all of whom must be lot owners and elected by the membership.
President / Roads - Jason Hess
Treasurer - Margaret Drury
Secretary - Jennifer Gagern